Dating Profile Critique, Help & Review Service (Hinge, Bumble)


Advice from a professional dating profile review service, feedback on Hinge & Bumble profiles; Hinge profile review, Bumble profile review; Dating profile review service. As seen in the NYT, WSJ, Bumble & More.

Dating Profile Review Service (Online Dating Profile Coach)

There are a lot of biased recommendations out there, and most of them come from friends who haven’t used apps, the internet, which is the blind leading the blind, and others who lack context and nuance into your own personal experiences.

Personalized Dating Profile Critique

  • Photos (Wardrobe, Posture, Facial Expressions)
  • Prompts, Bios, Captions
  • App Choice
  • Lifestyle Choices
  • Hobbies, Interests
  • Swiping/Messaging
  • Etiquette, Timing
  • Roses, Superswipes, Compliments,
Dating Profile Critique, Dating Profile Review Service (Hinge, Bumble)

Dating Profile Feedback — Stop Using Group Photos

It’s fine to use 1–2 photos in a profile of 6 photos, but you have to make sure:

  • it’s obvious who you are
  • your friends are not significantly more attractive/distracting
  • you don’t use them in your first/main photo

Dating Profile Help — Stop Using Old Photos

  • photos should look like you now
  • hair color, style, facial hair should be accurate, consistent (no one wants to play Guess Who)
  • photos should be 1–3 years old. Some people can get away with older photos but 90% of you can’t

Dating Profile Makeover — Show Your Entire Body, Close-Ups, Face

  • if you don’t show your body, people will know you are hiding something
  • if you avoid close-up photos, people will assume you are hiding something
  • if you hide behind sunglasses, people will assume you are hiding something
  • avoid weird high angles (even though they show your body, it’s a misleading angle)

Dating Profile Tips — Stop Showing Your Kids

  • unless they are adults, it’s a weird thing to do for privacy reasons and safety reasons
  • you should market yourself first
  • instead, list the ages of kids in the profile so people know where you are with raising kids

Online Dating Help For Men, Women — Be Specific, Provide Talking Points

  • the more generic you are, the more you look like everyone else
  • include 2–4 bullet points/talking points per prompt answer
  • bios and prompts should cover who you are, how you spend your time and what you seek
  • avoid ‘hikes’ and list type of hiker you are i.e. urban hikes, short hikes with views, overnight hikes w/ camping
  • avoid ‘travel’, state the type of traveler you are i.e. roadtrips, camping, resorts, big cities, int’l, rustic towns, areas w/ few Americans, etc.

Online Dating Help — Don’t Be Jaded/Negative

It’s true, no matter what you put, you are going to get people who don’t read profiles, but your concern is not about repelling unwanted attention as it is attracting quality folks

  • don't list what you don’t want
  • state what you are looking for
  • smile! intense looks make you look miserable; if you are not happen on your own, can’t expect others to make you happy
  • stating what you don’t want suggests that you depend on bad apples to out themselves; you need to use good judgment and do that yourself vs. expecting the trash to take itself out.

Dating Profile Review Service — You Are Only As Attractive As Your Worst Photo

  • if your photos are inconsistent, people may pause and may move on rather than figure out which photos are recent
  • if your photos are dull and lack things like hobbies, interests, local backgrounds, and social context, it’s going to be hard to stand out
  • professional photos are cringe; they are stiff, boring and photoshopped. This is why I take photos on my phone and take them like a friend snapped them.

Don’t Ignore Implied & Stated Preferences, Lifestyles

I am not saying you have to find your exact clone, but have to understand the basic concept of statistics.

  • distance matters — guys will set larger radius but even though they will travel for dates, women are more selective
  • politics & religion matter — as a guy, if you ignore these, you are just shooting yourself in the foot.
  • men have more options than women because, on average, they are less selective when it comes to age, ethnicity, politics, religion, and height. Age is sometimes less realistic (but at least they cast a wider net).
  • if you leave something blank, assume that people will not give you the benefit of the doubt i.e. don’t mention if you have kids — people will assume you do; leave alcohol fild blank, people will assume you drink

See: women need to date carpenters like men date yoga instructors. For the record, I understand that the gender pay gap and societal norms exist, but these are facts — acknowledge them or don’t.

I don’t believe things such as dating in/out of one’s league (leagues are subjective, to an extent), but you have to acknowledge things like statistics i.e.

  • women are less likely to date men who are shorter than themselves
  • women are less likely to date men who are less educated than themselves
  • women have more options than men because men use apps too much and too early in life

Online Dating Profile Help (Dating Profile Consultant)

There are always exceptions to the rules but the more you ignore things like hobbies, lifestyles, intentions, values etc., the more likely you are to strike out in life — would you apply only to Ivy League schools with a 2.0 GPA?

Dating apps are merely introduction apps — assume nothing, everything. It’s your responsibility to ask questions, get to know people, keep an open-minded but filter aggressively. The ability to screen profiles, read people and move on from time wasters is crucial.

Dating App Tips! Dating Profile Help — Verify Your Profile!

People deal with too many bots, spammers, and fake profiles. This is not a perfect solution, but it weeds out some people.

For more dating tips, check out my blog here.

Hinge Profile Review (Men, Women)

There are a few unique aspects about Hinge that you should know about above and beyond the profile itself including:

  • standouts
  • roses
  • comments
  • boosts

Bumble Profile Review (Women, Men)

There are a few unique aspects about Bumble that you should know about above and beyond the profile itself including:

  • boosts
  • compliments
  • trending profile tab
  • super swipes
Online Dating Coach For Women & Men; Hinge Profile Review, Bumble Profile Review

Dating Profile Review, Dating Profile Critique, Makeover

For dating coaching services (apps, offline, image consultant, messaging), check out my services here.

Online Dating Help, Dating Profile Feedback, Hinge Profile Review, Bumble Profile Review, Dating Profile Critique, Hinge Profile Review For Guys, Hinge Profile Review Female, Bumble Profile Review Female, Bumble Profile Review Male, Dating Profile Review Service, Online Dating Profile Help, Dating Profile Consultant, Online Dating Profile Coach



Dating Coach, Online Dating Photographer Bay Area
Dating Coach, Online Dating Photographer Bay Area

Written by Dating Coach, Online Dating Photographer Bay Area

Dating Coach Bay Area (Men & Women); Online Dating Photographer San Francisco; Dating Profile Photographer San Jose, Bay Area

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