Hinge Fresh Start Review (Feature, Hack, Reset Hinge Likes)


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Hinge Fresh Start Hack (Reset Hinge Without Deleting)

Hinge fresh start feature is an unofficial method that allows users to restart their profile without actually having to delete their account, get a new phone number and create a new profile. It’s not so much a hack as it is a feature buried in the app itself.

It’s basically a ‘re-start’ of their profile.


Hinge Fresh Start Feature

To see this feature, you will have to go through the process of deleting your account. Once you get to the page, it should prompt you with the option of a fresh start vs confirming profile deletion.

Related read: Biggest mistakes made on Hinge

Hinge Fresh Start — Reset Hinge WIthout Deleting

Hinge Reset Likes (Reset Hinge Without Deleting)

Through the Hinge Fresh Start feature, a user can reset likes sent on Hinge.

When Should You Use Hinge Fresh Start?

Only after you improve yourself, photos, prompts, answers to prompts, and strategy with likes/comments. If you don’t do anything different, it won’t make a difference. You will likely be worse off because you will have false hope and feel more dejected.

Related read: Hinge Profile Tips For Men, Women

Hinge Fresh Start How Often? How Many Times Can You Do Hinge Fresh Start?

This is a one-time thing that should be done after significant work. Sure you could do it again but gains will be minimal and worse than the prior fresh start activation.

Related Read: Is Hinge Better Than Bumble?

Hinge Fresh Start Review

Hinge fresh start is one method for doing better on the apps but there may be better options in select scenarios. In my coaching sessions, I will analyze your experience on the app, downfalls with this feature and let you know what the best steps are to take with doing better on Hinge.


Hinge Fresh Start Vs Delete

In some cases, deleting profile is better but not if you make certain mistakes with a new profile, avoiding being blocked/reported etc.

Hinge Fresh Start Not Working

If you execute the fresh start on Hinge and you don’t see any results, that might be because your profiles, efforts, strategy did not improve. Fresh start is not a magic wand. It only works if you make adjustments and adding one photo, changing one prompt is often not enough.

“You are only as attractive as your worst photo…”

Read: https://eddie-hernandez.com/automatic-left-swipes/

Does Hinge Fresh Start Work? Hinge Fresh Start Review

That depends on you.

  • Did you change anything? If not, no.
  • Did you make improvements? If marginal, likely no.
  • Did you only focus on one area i.e. photos? If so, likely not as your prompts, comments need work too?

To learn more about my dating services, including profile reviews, online dating coaching, offline help, contact me today.

Hinge Fresh Start, Hinge Restart Account, Hinge Reset Profile, Reset Hinge Likes, Reset Hinge Without Deleting, Hinge Fresh Start Gone, Hinge Fresh Start How Many Times, Hinge Fresh Start Review, Hinge Fresh Start Hack, Hinge Fresh Start vs Delete, Hinge Fresh Start Not Available, Hinge Fresh Start Not Working



Dating Coach, Online Dating Photographer Bay Area
Dating Coach, Online Dating Photographer Bay Area

Written by Dating Coach, Online Dating Photographer Bay Area

Dating Coach Bay Area (Men & Women); Online Dating Photographer San Francisco; Dating Profile Photographer San Jose, Bay Area https://eddie-hernandez.com

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